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Macal wholly respects the privacy and rights of data subjects. At all times, the company acts in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection legislation.
When you provide personal data during your visit to this site, they will be processed by Macal for website management purposes.
You are advised to read this Privacy Policy before you visit this site and provide any personal data. If you continue to browse this website, you are tacitly accepting our Privacy Policy and Macal’s use of your personal data.
Macal aims to ensure that users of this website are aware of the rules and principles regarding the protection and processing of personal data, as well as to ensure, as far as is possible, the security of these data. The company will always act in accordance with the norms and procedures defined in the applicable legislation on the processing and protection of personal data. It also implements strict security procedures to ensure the protection and confidentiality of personal data. These include technical and organisational security measures that are necessary and sufficient to protect personal data from unauthorised use, destruction, loss, access, and disclosure or any other form of unlawful use.
It is Macal policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect on our website.
These measures include security mechanisms and procedures that are designed to protect personal data, such as the secure collection of personal data, the use of firewalls and of systems for detecting unauthorised access to such data. They also ensure access to such data and operation logs is restricted, operation logs are monitored and that data are encrypted, among other protections. In overall terms, they seek to ensure the security of these data and to identify under what circumstances and for what purpose they are used and by whom.
Therefore, this website is governed by a comprehensive personal data privacy policy and only operates in Portugal.
Manuel Amaro Caetano, LDA, is a Portuguese private limited company that has its registered office at Rua S. Sebastião, No. 12, Lisboa, 2635-047 Rio de Mouro and VAT number 500177236. It is responsible for operating the following website and processing the personal data that are collected and through which users access content provided by Macal.
The processing of personal data depends on the consent of the data subjects, as established in Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR. This processing and the personal data collected through the Macal website is used to reply to requests for information and orders made on the website or platform.
We only request personal data when we truly need it to provide you with a service. The pizzeria provides a table reservation service at its outlets and responds to your requests for information. We do so by fair and legal means, with your knowledge and consent. We also tell you why we are collecting your personal data and how they will be used.
We retain the information for the time necessary to provide the requested service. When we store data, we protect them using commercially acceptable means that are designed to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification.
We do not share personal identification information publicly or with third parties, except as required by law.
Macal also collects information about your computer's hardware and software. This information may include your IP address, browser type, domain names, website access times/usage times, content viewed, and addresses of referring sites.
The categories of personal data subject to processing by Macal for the purposes mentioned in this Policy are as follows:
- Name;
- Email;
- Address;
- Phone number;
- IP address;
- Browser type used;
- Domain;
- Time spent on the Macal website;
- Addresses of referring sites;
- Your browsing of Macal site may also be monitored for statistical purposes and for advertising purposes, including targeted advertising.
Our website may have links to external websites that we do not operate. Note that we have no control over the content and practices of these websites and cannot accept responsibility for their privacy policies.
The user is free to refuse our request for personal data, and understands that this may mean that we cannot provide some of the services.
The continued use of our website will be taken as acceptance of our practices regarding privacy and personal data. If you have any questions about how we handle user data and personal data, please contact us.